Sandalwood New Caledonia | Organic

Sandalwood New Caledonia Essential Oil is a suitable choice for improving the health and beauty of all skin types.

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Price per 2,5ml. | Or Chose for 5ml. or 10ml.
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  • Sandalwood New Caledonia
  • Characteristics
  • Applications & Properties
  • Contraindications & Other details
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Latin name: Santalum austrocaledonicum
Raw material: Heartwood

Extraction: Steam Distillation
Certification: Organic
Origin: New Caledonia
Fragrance: Very sweet, woody, warm aroma
Color: Light yellow to amber colored, slightly viscous liquid
Storage: Keep dry, dark, and cool
Content: 2,5ml. | 5ml. | 10ml.
Brand: j'Olie et Co Aromatherapy

Our premium New Caledonia Sandalwood essential oil is steam distilled from the sustainably harvested wood of the Santalum austrocaledonicum trees growing on plantations in New Caledonia. The smooth, woody, extremely sweet aroma of this oil is rich and long lasting on a fragrance strip, resulting in a very long, smooth, licorice drydown.

Santalum austrocaledonicum is the only native sandalwood in New Caledonia and Vanuatu and is endemic to these archipelagos. It has been heavily harvested for the fragrance industry for the past 150 years, as the essential oil can be considered a cost-effective and sustainable alternative to endangered Indian sandalwood oils. This oil is rich in alpha-santalol, the compound that gives sandalwood its distinctive woody aroma and is responsible for many of its biological effects.
Sandalwood New Caledonia Essential Oil is a suitable choice for enhancing the health and beauty of all skin types and is especially helpful for relieving acne and reducing skin imperfections while providing an overall youthful-looking complexion. Sandalwood New Caledonia essential oil may also help with minor pain and inflammation control, reduce unwanted bacterial and fungal problems, and help strengthen a compromised immune system.

This essential oil is also incredibly supportive for healthy lung function. In natural perfumery, Sandalwood New Caledonia essential oil is widely used as a fixative for perfumes. A fixative is a necessary part of a perfume, with its rich and deep fragrance and the power to keep the top and mid notes on the skin for a long time.

In addition to working to balance the physical, mental, and spiritual realms, Sandalwood New Caledonia essential oil is also highly regarded for its sensual power in creating an amorous atmosphere. This exquisite essential oil supports emotional healing, reflection, and introspection, especially during times of situational anxiety and depression.

Sandalwood New Caledonia Essential Oil is known for its remarkable grounding benefits and is widely used in meditation blends formulated to help stabilize and calm a restless mind or spirit.
Contraindications: Sandalwood oil has been reported to have no contraindications and interactions with medication.

Main constituents: Alpha-Santalol (46.20 to 59.90%), Beta-Santalol (20.50 to 29.00%), Nuciferol (1.10 to 5.50%), epi-beta-Santalol (4.10 to 4.30%)

Allergens: Farnesol (0.70%) (Annex III, EU Cosmetics Regulation, 1223/2009)

Loyalty points: With every order you can collect loyalty points. Look here for our loyalty points conditions.
In accordance with the legislation, j'Olie et Co Aromatherapy cannot provide (complete) information about all properties and the application of products. If you have specific product questions, please email us at

The European Union obliges all suppliers of essential oils to mention these warnings. Look here for more information.

Causes mild skin irritation. Causes eye irritation. May cause an allergic skin reaction. Keep out of reach of children. May be harmful if swallowed or enters airways. May cause long lasting harmful effects to aquatic life. In case of contact with skin, wash with plenty of soap and water. In case of skin irritation, rash, or ingestion, consult a doctor immediately. In case of eye contact, rinse immediately with whole milk or a neutral base oil such as olive oil or sunflower oil and consult a doctor immediately.


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Sandalwood New Caledonia | Organic
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